Monday, May 19, 2008

31 Flavors

Have you ever though about the individual variety of the friends and people in your life? They provide the individual with the same sensation as walking into a Baskin-Robbins store and being confronted with 31 flavors; each different and each serving a unique purpose. I have a friend who is like bubble gum ice cream; fun, colorful, and always able to cheer me up. Then, another friend who resembles vanilla; simple, sweet, yet straight to the point and able to point out areas in my life still needing growth. Yet another friend is like Rocky Road; at times we have butted heads and had disagreements yet our friendship remains rich and strong. There are times when I’ve thought that I haven’t needed these individual flavors in my life and times I haven’t appreciated the contribution of these individuals to my Christian growth. With my Goo Goo Cluster personality, how would I make it through the lumps and bumps of life without strawberry to add some sweetness or mint chocolate to bring clarity and perspective to the situation? But, as with ice cream, too much of one flavor in the bowl can stifle the effects of the other flavors on one’s tongue. A balance among the time spent among friends creates richness in one’s life. Just as too much double fudge ice cream can make one sick to one’s stomach, so can too much time spent with a negative friend leave you feeling discouraged. A balance must be found between all the flavors and personalities of the individuals in one’s life. Have I made you hungry yet? If so, go enjoy a bowl of ice cream with one of the flavorful people in your life.

Until next time,


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