Sunday, June 28, 2009

For the last time

June 27, 2009
Today is my last weekend in the UK and so I decided to visit my favorite place, Whitby, one last time. I bought some fish and chips with mushy peas and sat on the beach eating them. What I love about Whitby is that the beach stretches a ¼ mile of sand to the water and miles around the cliffs, and, no one is ever on the beach enjoying it! I will really miss Whitby with it’s quaint shops, yummy lemon tops, and the sound of the constant roar of the sea playing music in the background. Whitby is where I came to get away from the rough industrial area of Middlesbrough to smell the fresh sea air, to hear the ocean, to gaze out at the North Sea. I wrote a little collection of verse for your enjoyment:

Goodbye my Whitby
My friend
With sands that stretch beyond
And cliffs that jut broadly
Waves that roar, birds that call
To find fish and chips left on the shore
Bells that chime to those
Who climb the 99
Quaint shops with treasures galore
Mainly gleaned from your shore
A haven for ships out at sea
Oh my friend will you always be
My Whitby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I loved reading your blog while in England. You are truly an inspiration to me and the graduation post was quite touching. I don't know if you have a job yet here in the USA but if your interested there is what seems to be a good one where Michael Maxwell works. They are looking to hire a few audiologists. Call him if your interested. 602 708-7665
